Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's getting closer

I can't believe that it's less than five days before I get on the plane to head to Ethiopia (Milwaukee to Chicago to Frankfurt to Addis Ababa followed by a drive to Soddo). I haven't done much packing, which is only now starting to get me worried. It's nice to know that the climate (and workload) will allow me to pack light for myself. Scrubs and a fleece jacket sounds like all I'll need. I've managed to gather a suitcase of supplies from Holy Family (my hospital in Wisconsin) that they have collected for such purposes. Merilly, my retiring wound nurse, also hooked me up with a lot of colostomy supplies which I hope to leave for them in Soddo. Most importantly, I'm finding some compact obstetric and orthopedic atlases/ manuals as this trip promises to put the word "General" back in General Surgery.
I went to Wal-Mart yesterday with my brother in law Brandon who is here from California. We had fun perusing the travel section to make sure I have all the necessary items. Do you know how hard it is to find Sunblock in Northern Wisconsin in January? It's not exactly on prominent display, but I did manage to find a bottle of SPF 70 (I feel whiter already). I also got some very necessary chocolate for the plane trip.
This morning was a neat time at church. We've only been attending for 6 months (I'm not even a member yet since an emergency operation caused me to miss the congregational meeting), yet they had me come up front to pray for me and send me off. Moreover, many men in the church have offered to assist Wendy in the near-daily ritual of snow removal - We've already had record snowfall this winter. The local Orthopods and Gynecologists have also offered their electronic assistance if I run into stuff I don't recognize (as certain as death and taxes).
Well, I'm off to measure my suitcases to make sure they don't exceed the maximum volume criteria for Lufthansa. Keep me and the girls (Wendy, Emma, and Tess) in your prayers. I'll try to keep this blog updated throughout the trip as much as possible, but I've been warned not to expect too much down-time.


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you! I know this will be a great trip. Some good friends of ours just got back from Addis Ababa with their new precious little girl. They were very moved while there and have really given all of us a love for Ethiopia. So glad you are going there to help. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thanks for loving Jesus in so many different ways. You are such a blessing.
