Time to resurrect the trip blog before packing and preparation truly enter a panic state. We leave in four days. This time around the team is small (6 US participants), the project is short (one week only, owing to difficulty recruiting for a project that would otherwise have included Easter weekend), and I will be without Wendy (she’s coming along with the girls a week later for some R&R up in the hills). Normally, this would leave me quite apprehensive about our ability to “pull off” a successful project. This will be trip #6 to Bolivia for me (all with MMI) and it will be my smallest team yet – but God has this tendency and track record of filling gaps in creative ways and of sizing our team to the demand we encounter. Though not unconcerned, I am at peace about things and more or less ready to go. (This does NOT mean I am packed in any way, shape or form).
I am not worried. This worries me. Am I fully trusting God for once? Am I blissfully naïve to the challenges and frustrations we are bound to encounter? Am I overconfident in my experience at having done this before? We shall see. Maybe it’s a mix of all three – just like it was the first time. I do know that even the most frightful, overwhelming, and frustrating moments on these projects have also been those where I am most in touch with just how awesome and caring God indeed is. Though I look forward to experiencing such moments, I also fear them, feel obligated to prevent them, and dare not ask directly for them. They will come nonetheless, and there God will be ready for me to jump and trust Him.
I will try to keep folks at home updated on what goes on, so please check the blog on occasion and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I am always torn between blogging/ journaling and living fully in the moments of the trip as they happen. Apologies in advance if updates are infrequent. As always, the best way to experience all of this is to sign up and come with me on a future project
Travel safe. Do any ortho cases on these trips?